Sunday, October 16, 2011

Something's Gotta Give

This Nancy Meyers comedy is fun and sweet. Jack Nicholson comes in doing his usual thing and Diane Keaton gets an Oscar nomination for her chronic comedic crying. The movie is about a well known, soon to be senior citizen, bachelor who only dates younger women under thirty. He is dating a beautiful woman and is invite to stay at her beach house but when things start to heat up the young woman's mother and sister arrive unexpectedly. Nicholson ends up staying a lot longer then he planned when he has a minor heart attack and is instructed to stay close by the hospital. He ends up falling in love, if you have not guessed already, with his girlfriends mother who is closer to his age, played by Diane Keaton. There are many funny moments in the film. It is well written and well made probably the best it could be. But its best is still not great. It is not a great movie. It is one of the better romantic comedies of its day but not in the ranking of my favorites. I like Nancy Meyers' more recent film "It's Complicated" starring Meryl Streep much more. This movie just does not have that much to offer. I was into the romance but not all that much and at the end credits I said to myself that was good but now only a few hours later I am having trouble remembering any signifficant scenes or funny moments. It is a good date movie geared towards women but men will enjoy it also. It is a light and fun popcorn flick that has some clever moments but I can not see myself really remembering this one far down the line. It does not really hold up to Nicholson's "As Good As It Gets." The movie is still fun. I do not think the nomination for Diane was well deserved but she is really a fantastic actress with an awesome career so I am not complaining about her nomination. Try and make your date opt for this film over some other crappy rom com.

3 out of 5 Stars

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