Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Avengers

Houston we have a problem...I have not blogged in ages. Reviewing films is one of my favorite things to do and I have not gotten around to it in so long. I have gotten extremely lazy for numerous reasons, the main one being that it is now summer. I have watched many movies that I will probably never get around to actually reviewing but you can check out my instagram with the username theHAMster999 to see my general thoughts on movies I have watched. I will at least try and review all of the new movies I have seen in the theater. The oldest one would be "The Avengers." This ensemble cast takes us on a trip that follows the events of "Captain America" but feels more like a "Thor 2" on steroids. It is a blast especially for huge Marvel comic book fans. They will love to finally see the whole crew together. The reason this super hero flick works is because of a great ensemble cast and a script that uses them well. The screenplay does well at balancing all of the A-list actors giving them equal time to shine and kick super villain ass. The movie is especially cheesy and brings gods into these other Marvel character's universes but it is all good fun and done well. You can't complain about any of the actors because they are all awesome and bring their own humor to the movie. My whole family thoroughly enjoyed it and I am sure yours will also.

3 out of 5 Stars

Monday, April 23, 2012

Cabin In The Woods

It is not often that I spend $11.50 to go to the movie theater to see a horror film. The reason for this is mainly because most horror films suck. They all follow a familiar formula with teenagers heading out to a party or vacation site with plans of drinking and having reckless fun but then things do not go the way they are planned. The fun is ruined by either zombies, murderers, a curse, or whatever. "Cabin In The Woods" follows this familiar formula but then flips it upside down. I do not want to reveal anything but I promise that you will not see it coming. Sure, the whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. What horror flick isn't? There is not a single horror film that does not rest on a ridiculous concept. This film is crazy like all the others. The difference between this horror film and most is that this one is smart. It will be funny and enjoyable for your "average Joe" looking for a good scare and also fun for a fan upset with recent horror films that have been waiting for something better. This movie is not great but it gets major points for the guts shown by its directors. It does not follow the rules that recent horror films have set up where you can almost predict the ending and where the climax will take place. It is a bit of a head scratch-er, without being to hard for the average horror fan to understand.

3 out of 5 Stars

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Breaking The Waves

I am extremely behind in my reviewing of movies because of how busy I have been. This film is putting me back into gear. I just have to write about it. Lars von Trier is a weird and unique man. His movies are often controversial and contain aberrant explicit content. I liked "Dogville" and thought "Melancholia" was decent but this film absolutely blew me away. I was so gripped by this unconventional story about faith and naivety among other things. The film is packed with symbolism but at its surface also provides deep impact. I refuse to reveal any elements of the story because it must be something you go into knowing nothing about the story however, you must know this film will be deemed by most as strange or weird. Do not read any synopsis's or summaries from anywhere because they will reveal important plot points that do not come up until more then an hour into the film. It feels like a dogma film most of the time and breaks many of the rules for current film making. This film makes Lars von Trier in my opinion one of top directors in the world. He is a visionary. He tackles numerous subjects and does it with a unique and different style. It is at times humorous and funny, even joyful. It is also heartbreaking and tragic. The film like most of Trier's films are separated into chapters broken up by mostly still shots of nature that set the tone of each chapter. There is no way anyone could see where this film is leading without sufficient foreknowledge. It is strangely gripping and made me feel things that I do not think I have ever felt before. It is one of the most thought provoking films I have ever seen. I have written this much and I still have not talked about Emily Watson or any of the other actors. I believe that she gives the greatest and most powerful performance of any female actress in all of movie history. That is a bold statement, especially when you think back to Vivien Leigh. I would have to ponder on the subject more to come up with a final decision and I am currently deciding on that right now to write on the greatest performances of all time by an actress at a later date. Watson follows does her performance naturally without calculating anything. She does it freely and gives a riveting, moving performance. Stellan Skarsgard along with Katrin Cartlidge also provide us with incredible performances all worthy of an Academy Award nomination. I could go on for pages and pages about how amazing this film is but it is a conversation that should only be partaken by those who have already seen the film. I do not want to take away from the experience. You must see this movie. It is currently #30 on my Top 100 Movies of All Time List.

5 out of 5 Stars

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Last night I watched "Chronicle," which has been the teen favorite at the start of the 2012 year. It has garnered pretty decent reviews with an 83% on Rotten Tomatoes. I understand why teens have been seeing it but I do not understand these positive reviews. I am a fan of the found footage steady cam movies like "The Blair Witch Project," "Paranormal Activity," "Cloverfield," and even "Quarantine" was fun. There was absolutely no reason for this movie to be done with a hand held camera. I think the premise of the film was cool and was its main asset. However, the found footage from multiple different cameras, not just one, feels like you are watching your friend play a bad video game. There is absolutely no character development at all. It just begins and goes real fast and the director expects you to care about these people. He really gives us no reason to. They are not necessarily real likable guys. The main problem I have with this movie is that a lot of things happen and there is no reason or explanation for it. These teenagers get infected or exposed to these things that make them telekinetic and we have no explanation on why this happens. This kid who struggles with life at home just randomly decides he wants to take a camera everywhere he goes and chronicle everything. Why is he doing this?!? He has to have the camera on at all times and refuses to let anyone turn it off. SPOILER ALERT: Towards the end, this kid goes crazy and starts wrecking havoc and killing everyone, even his closest friends. We are never given an explanation for why he does this. Sure, he has a tough home life with a drunken father but seriously? Also, the idea to think this kid is going to carry this camera everywhere even when he is robbing stores and murdering people. He is literally convicting himself constantly. The movie is completely ridiculous and I guess that is okay but normally with stupidity in movies there also comes at least a dumb explanation for it. The movie is only 1hr 20 minutes but probably is only intriguing for about fifteen minutes. The climax is not intense mainly because we do not care about these kids and the people this guy is killing seem less like people and more like CGI images you kill in a James Bond video game. It may be short but do not waste your time. It gets few stars for an interesting premise that is poorly executed and falls flat on its face.

2 out of 5 Stars

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Re-Review)

The other day I got to purchase my blu-ray copy of the American "Dragon Tattoo." I just finished watching it for the first time since its release in theaters and enjoyed it with no expectations what so ever. I was blown away. It was almost like I had a totally different experience this time. Rather then constantly comparing it to the Swedish original I really got to study the film on its own. This movie really is not a remake of the Swedish film but it is actually a different take of the novel written by Stieg Larsson. It is its own adaptation. I have found new love for this film that I did not have before and I strongly admire David Fincher's crafty direction and Rooney Mara's powerful performance. In this sitting she made me forget about Noomi Rapace, for the moment. I have difficulty deciding which film I like more. There are pluses and minuses to each I suppose. They are not necessarily minuses but one film focuses and executes better in one area then the other film may. I do not write this re-review so that you will disregard my previous review. All of the points that I made before remain true but the point is I thought of those things the first time in comparison to the Swedish film but this time I could not think of any of those negative. I was swooped away by the awkward romance in this version. There is much more focus on the relationship between Blomkvist and Salander in this movie. The ending of this film is done with perfection and brings a whole new complexity and side to this story. In this second sitting I noticed more of the fantastic dialogue and beautiful acting. Some of the lines said that go by so fast actually have powerful meaning that represents the emotions of the character throughout the entire film. When Lisbeth says that she has now found someone and is happy it makes the ending that much more heartbreaking. I originally thought this film was choppy and jumped around to much but now I believe that it serves the purpose and intensity of the story. I still believe the actual investigation and climax is better in the Swedish film but I believe that this film hits harder emotionally. This film goes deeper rather then just being an interesting, gruesome, and entertaining mystery it becomes an emotional powerful work of cinema. This does not mean that the Swedish film is not powerful I just feel the need right now to correct the skepticism I had on this film previously. Both films are fantastic in their own unique ways and I refuse to decide which one is superior to the other. This movie has earned a higher ranking as one of my favorite films of 2011.

5 out of 5 Stars - Swedish
5 out of 5 Stars - American

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Hunger Games

The 2012 year of cinema has started off fantastically. It began with a hilarious and raunchy comic hit and now delivers an anticipated mainstream phenomenon. It is very rare to see a mainstream book adaptation, with a huge fan base, be made into a truly moving, intense, and crafty film. Mainstream cinema should always feel like this. I am sure many readers if this have read the books but I still do not want to spoil anything. I unfortunately, have not set aside the time to read "The Hunger Games" and give a completely unbiased viewpoint that perhaps a purist fan would have. I was skeptical when walking into this movie knowing it would resemble "Battle Royale."  However, once the film started I completely forgot all of this.This film takes an entirely different angle then my Japanese favorite does. "The Hunger Games" has to do more with emotion and feeling and how inhumane the whole situation is. I admit I teared up quite a few times throughout the film. Even if I could somewhat predict the way the story would go I still got choked up. The material is done with such great execution that you are just completely submerged into the story. Jennifer Lawrence does fantastic. She give an incredibly powerful performance that I do not think any other actress could have delivered. She embodies the character of Katniss and takes it to new heights. You will likely recognize many A-list actors when you watch this film and they all put their best foot forward. Standouts include Woody Harrelson, Donald Sutherland, Stanley Tucci, and Lenny Kravitz. They all take the little time they have in this abridged script and really work with it. In these kinds of adaptations where there is so much going on that is needed to be fit in, it is really hard to make time for character development. This film succeeds in completing that task and makes the movie that much more powerful. It really makes all the difference in the world. All of the unrecognizable actors and no names do a fantastic job. Josh Hutcherson from "The Kids Are All Right" does great as does Amandla Stenberg. The cinematography is done well by using a number of unique camera angles mixed in with POV's and reality t.v. like camera shots. It adds to the intensity of the graphic violence that seems to last a long time. The movie is not incredibly violent but may be a little surprising for a PG-13. Let's just say blood is shown. To sum it all up the story is what really makes all of this great.  Suzanne Collins is clearly a great storyteller and her screenwriters did a great job adapting her wonderful work. The movie is all you want in a mainstream action flick and more. It raises deep societal questions along with making challenges on humanity itself. It is extremely intense and emotional and if you do not feel anything after this film is over you probably do not have a soul. This movie is great fun for the entire family, I am so excited about it. I cannot wait to see what  the rest of 2012 has to offer.

5 out of 5 Stars

Thursday, March 22, 2012

21 Jumpstreet

Unfortunately, I have not been able to sit down and really blog for awhile. I still have not released my Top 10 0f 2011, but it is coming soon. I have now finally taken the time to blog for the first time in a few weeks to review my first film of the year 2012 and the funniest film I have ever seen in the theater. "21 Jumpstreet" is hilarious. I do not think I have ever laughed so hard in my life. It is ridiculous and raunchy but somehow remains charming. Jonah Hill has solidified his status as a fantastic comic and a fabulous actor with his nomination at the Academy Awards. We will be seeing a lot more of him in the future in both dramatic and comedic roles. I cannot wait to see more of what he can do. Channing Tatum also supplies us with a hilarious comedic turn. I have always thought of him as an average actor with a nice set of abs until I saw this movie. His comic timing is perfect and holds himself well opposite an Academy Award nominated actor. I am now even more excited to see his semi-autobiographical film about his days as a male stripper in Florida, directed by prestigious director Stephen Soderbergh. The script is a stand out in this film which is co-written by Jonah Hill. It is not only appealing to all ages in terms of comedy but also is current and up to date with today's pop culture. We see parodies of Eminem along with "Requiem For A Dream." It is outrageously hilarious but I warn you do not take your kids. This is certainly an adult comedy and I was lucky enough to sneak in (my birthday is in less then 2 months.) It is next to impossible to go see this in the theater without having a good time. The whole atmosphere of everyone laughing is almost to much to handle. The community of so many different people coming together and sharing a good time is extremely unique to the cinema. Fans of the original television show will not see much resemblance to the original series besides the main premise but they will surely enjoy this reboot of the idea and a hilarious cameo. Go see this in theaters with your friends and do not waste your time with a sure to be crappy movie like "Project X." This is a film that film critics and average teens will sit side by side with each other and laugh in synchronization.

5 out of 5 Stars

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dirty Harry

This pop culture phenomenon has been hugely influential in cop and action films. This is what got Clint Eastwood into mainstream action and helped solidify his career. The movie on its own is just purely entertaining and fun. The action is at a good pace and keeps its tempo throughout the film. Eastwood is fantastic as Harry Callahan who is a cop that will break all of the rules to get justice. This film set the bar for action, adventure cop films and is especially good  because of its sick, sadistic, and evil villain. This is one of those times where I found myself actually wanting to jump into the screen and kill the villain. The movie is hugely intense and keeps its balance with keeping its intensity and still not being to dark. The series of films to follow would later become huge blockbuster successes but none of them would top the original, "Dirty Harry." "Go ahead, make my day." This is a thrill to watch.

5 out of 5 Stars

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Battle Royale

This movie was incredibly awesome. It came out twelve years ago in 2000, based upon the Japanese novel of the same name that was released in 1999. If you check out this movie you will realize that it sounds a lot like "The Hunger Games." Well, in actuality "The Hunger Games" copies off of "Battle Royale." The story is set in a futuristic Japan where the adult feel threatened by the rebellions of youth. They pass a law, The Battle Royale Act, in which they take a Freshman high school class and put them on an abandoned island in which they must kill each other until there is only one person left. If there is no winner, everyone dies. The film sets up an interesting and cool concept about futuristic society and anarchy. It has a "Lord Of The Flies" feeling to it. The film is extremely violent and contains about the same level of violent content as "Kill Bill Vol. 1." The movie starts quickly and then it never lets up. You do not know who to root for because everyone is ultimately innocent in a way. We can relate to almost every single one of them. The film shows what happens with lack of order and control and puts teenagers in a survival of the fittest environment. This is one of the coolest movies to rank on my Top 100 list and it earns its spot for originality and execution. This is a movie that every guy just needs to watch. Forget the cheesy PG-13 rated, "The Hunger Games" that Hollywood is making. Watch the R rated intense, symbolic, and hectic "Battle Royale." This film is worth the time.

5 out of 5 Stars


This is probably the toughest film to watch that came out this whole year, excluding "Human Centipede 2." The film is powerful and delves deep into the emotions of a mentally tortured sex addict and his lonely sister. The film is extremely sad and depressing. It is hard to watch this story unfold although it is done to near perfection. Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan give riveting performances. It is a shame, no pun intended, that Fassbender was not nominated for an Academy Award because he is way more deserving than Demian Bichir and Gary Oldman. He is completely immersed into his destroyed character who cannot have sex romantically but only as a physical routine for pure selfishness. I wonder how people struggling with this problem feel when watching this distraught and helpless character when they are going through similar or the same difficulties. How do audiences that are filled with shame see this. Is it a wake up call? Like I said, this movie is hard to watch. It is rated NC-17, which is a rating that is very rarely given or accepted by studios. Most theaters and retail stores will not carry NC-17 rated movies and I understand why. The film at times feels like straight pornography. The sex in this film is extremely graphic. I understand that the filmmakers want to show the extremities of the character's addiction but I even thought this was too much. The sex is not erotic or attractive it is ugly and unemotional. Even though this may be the case I felt like they did not need to show so much. It goes over the top even though I see the point of it. Obviously, this film is not for everyone. It is emotionally and sexually graphic and hard to handle. The film makes you think and it leaves you depressed. The film is not for the feint of heart and I believe if you struggle with any sexual problems like addiction you should not view this film. In its portrayal of sexual addiction it only makes itself a stumbling block to those who are dealing with a sexual addiction. This movie should only be viewed by mature audiences who do not struggle with lust. I admit with hindsight, I probably should not have watched this film. It shows the disgusting struggles of sexual addiction and may be too much for some. The ending is perfect and the movie is directed seemlessly by Steve McQueen. I cannot wait to see more of his challenging films.

4.5 out of 5 Stars

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

So, this was the final film that I needed to see on my list of Best Picture nominees. It has the lowest percentage on Rotten Tomatoes out of all the Best Picture nominees. I thought it was actually pretty decent. A lot of people think that it is exploiting 9/11 and that it tries to provide catharsis when it should not but I do not feel that way. It did not seem lie anybody complained about this when the best selling book came out. I skimmed through some of the book and it seems to be a pretty faithful adaptation. The new young actor, Thomas Horn, I must admit gets very annoying and irritating. His character just tended to bother me after awhile. I can not blame this on Horn however, I feel like he does a good job. His character is just a bit of a pain. The film could be accused of trying too hard and maybe it does but it got to me at points. This is mainly because of the fantastic supporting cast. Viola Davis, Sandra Bullock, Tom Hanks, Jeffrey Wright, John Goodman, and especially Max von Sydow do a fantastic job. I had a few tears drip from my eyes at one point in the movie. It is an interesting story that is saved by its actors. Sydow deserves the nomination he has received. I guess this movie is not for everyone but I like the director Stephen Daldry even though this film does not display any of his talent. This movie earns its stars for great performances and the story written by Jonathan Safran Foer. When I say the story I mean the book, not the screenplay. If you are watching all of the Academy Award nominees do not pass this up. It is not a bad as everyone is making it out to be.

4 out of 5 Stars

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Take Shelter

What stood out about “Take Shelter” for me were the incredible performances given by Michael Shannon and more importantly, Jessica Chastain. She has had such a large bulk of fantastic roles this past year and she has given her all in everything she has been in. This is her standout for the 2011 year even if she is more recognized for her hilarious job in “The Help.” I am still trying to understand exactly what this film was saying. The very end is what makes me raise the most questions. I thought the scene before the ending was great and I understood how this man had to face reality to keep his family together. I do not want to ruin anything but what does the final ending mean? Beware of spoilers to come but does this ending mean he has been right? Are these dreams no accident? Is he sort of the modern Noah? I guess I did not fully comprehend it or something and I need to find out what exactly “the storm” represents. Is it the fear of what is to come or is it all the struggles of life? I feel like this movie was very smartly made so I do not think anything is there on accident. I am still pondering the significance of the daughter being deaf because I think that was more than just something to get us to sympathize more. There is a reason for all of the little things like that. It was a very good movie experience with incredible acting and cinematography. I will definitely read more to try and understand what the different things mean but for right now this movie is a bit of a puzzle that I cannot seem to solve.

4 out of 5 Stars


Is this movie weird? Yes. Is this movie long? Yes. Is this movie an incredibly well written, superbly acted, craftily directed, ingenious story with hidden themes and symbolism that leads to a biblical ending, and leaves its audience completely breathless? Yes. I am crazy in love with “Magnolia.” Talk about a movie with an incredible ensemble cast that all put their best foot forward. Director Paul Thomas Anderson, who I was never a big fan of, shows his incredible talent for crafting a heavily impacting movie about people and their regrets. There are ten main characters whose lives intersect and have parallels with one another. It is so brutally tragic and fantastic. The last twenty minutes of the film contain probably one of the most surprising endings ever. The ending is not meant to be taken completely literally, it is meant to hold a message for people and be taken figuratively. I probably would not have been completely sold on it without reading and understanding that before viewing the film with the help from my fellow friend and critic, Dan Schultz. Tom Cruise leads this pack of great actors. He gives the best and most hilarious performance of his entire career. Everyone does great and the movie stays with you. This is the kind of film that requires repetitive viewings if you want to even get half of everything that is stated here. That first viewing for me was epic and I am excited to sit down and experience this film again. This movie may be somewhat heartbreaking but it is necessary. This movie contains some of the realest and saddest emotions ever captured on film.

5 out of 5 Stars

Before Sunrise & Sunset

These two films go so perfectly together I categorize it as one phenomenal piece of work. Richard Linklater, who writes and directs, based the first film off an actual real life experience of his own. The setting is a chance encounter between to people that ends up being life changing. Two people meet, fall in love, and only have one night together before they must part. The second movie is them meeting again, a full nine years later. These films are superbly acted by the two young leads, Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy, but what makes these movies so good is the script. It has some of the most genuinely written conversations ever in film history. If only people in real life were this straight forward and honest with each other. Each movie is rather short, the first is about 100 minutes and the second only 80 minutes, and this makes the two combined about the length of a longer movie. “Before Sunset” is very unique because it is done in real time. There are none of these sequences in which five minutes is actually an hour and a half rather each second you watch is a second in real time. These two lovers run into each other after not seeing each other for nine years and they have only about one hour together before they have to separate. This adds an anticipation to the movie that otherwise would not have been there and makes it more to the point. The other thing great about “Before Sunset” is that the film was actually made nine years after the first with the same actors and director. The actors have changed just like their characters and they pick up right where they left off. It is done perfectly. There is a sense of hope that you are left with after each installment that helps confirm the idea that sometimes, if you are lucky, it could actually work out. If you cannot tell from what I have already written I will make myself clear that “Before Sunset” is the better of the two movies. You could watch “Before Sunset” without ever seeing the first film and it would all make sense and you would not be confused however, “Before Sunrise” establishes the relationship between these two characters and is also an incredibly written and acted film. If you do not see the first film the second will not be nearly as potent and moving. You need both films to really be completely swept away by the story. These films have become a huge influence on the romance genre since their release. You can see it in many films nowadays in how they try and repeat what was once so perfectly and beautifully executed here. Nothing ever quite measures up. If you are a romance fan you cannot miss these movies, if you are even a movie fan you should not miss these either. This is a great example of how a well written screenplay can carry a film to greatness.

5 out of 5 Stars

Friday, February 3, 2012

When Harry Met Sally

This is one of the best romantic comedies ever made. The film starts out with these two very different people meeting, with a series of chance occurrences and fate these two become friends. This film takes you through their entire friendship and almost their entire lives. This is the closest any film has come to repeating the greatness of "Annie Hall." Rob Reiner, who I have always thought to be just a good director, takes advantage of a very clever script and two great actors. The movie shows a real relationship from both perspectives of each person. We see the the thoughts and feelings that the other may not. We identify with these people and learn something about ourselves and identify our own feelings. This movie is absolutely hilarious and will have you laughing throughout. You leave it with a sense of happiness and a feeling that this can really happen. All of the supporting characters are good in their roles and the script is the huge standout for greatness. It is impossible to forget the great scene with Meg Ryan at the diner that will have men second guessing themselves for years. Can a man and a woman be friends without sex getting in the way? I think this movie answers that question. This film has earned a very worthy spot on my Top 100 Films of All Time. The movie will touch your heart.

5 out of 5 Stars

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sex, Lies, and Videotape

This movie was awesome. This is the film that set Steven Soderbergh's career on fire as a director, it also kick started many actors' careers like Andie MacDowell, James Spader, and Peter Gallagher. This movie is credited with being the first real independent film because there was no studio backing it and many people thought this would turn out to be a "skin flick." Instead, it turned out to be a masterpiece of all of cinema, with one of the best scripts ever delivered on screen breaking down every taboo you could think of in the movies. This is one of the most sexual movies I have ever seen. This is not sexual in a way like "Basic Instinct" or some flick with a ton of sex scenes and nudity. This movie is sexual only through dialogue. I do not really want to give away any of the plot because this is the kind of thing you need to watch and then read about afterwards but let me just say once again the script is fantastic, the performances are great, and the movie has become in many ways a landmark in cinema. It has been referenced on lists as one of the most powerful movies ever made because of its influence on independent film making. It is not even the influence that makes this movie great but the incredible dialogue and story. This is the kind of script where if one thing was said wrong or awkwardly the audience would burst out laughing, instead the audience is gripped in intensity and their eyes are glued on the screen. The quiet and mesmerizing soundtrack by Cliff Martinez is also notable because when it hits it underlines the films emphasis when it brings out the big guns. He also did a fantastic job working on the soundtrack for this past years "Drive." This movie has one of the most intense endings ever for reasons that are almost unknown to everyone. It is weird how this sort of subject brings us to the edge of our seat. Hearing about this sort of thing just keeps us gripped, the secret sexual fantasies of other people. It is something everyone knows about and does but no one ever brings it to the table openly and talks about it much like the character of Graham Dalton. He is one of the most mysterious and best movie characters in all of history. He is honest and gets people to be more honest with themselves then they ever were before. This movie is intense and the questions it raises will keep you thinking. I watched it one night and then once again the following night showing it to a big group of friends. Be careful who you watch this with, it could maybe lead to discussions you do not want to have but then again you may not want to take my film advice. Like Graham said, you should never take advice from someone that you are not intimate with.

5 out of 5 Stars

Like Crazy

This is one of the best films of the year and it is one of the best romances to be released in awhile. This film is so splendidly and meticulously made you cannot think about absolutely anything else except what is happening on the screen. The chemistry between the two leads is magnetic. Felicity Jones and Anton Yelchin give the best performances of their whole careers. There is also great supporting work done by last years Oscar nominee Jennifer Lawrence. This film captured me and would not let me go. I am a sucker for romances, especially the ones that carry a unique style to it different from ones that we have seen before. Like, "Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind" and "(500) Days Of Summer" this movie has its own genuine realness and special quality to it. As this rather short film takes the audience through the relationship you literally feel it. It being so intimately real makes it hard to turn away from. We have all had feelings that these two characters experience, whether it be to a greater or lesser degree we relate to them. We sit on the outside of the situation and we want each of them to do the better thing for the sake of love and stay together even if we ourselves would not do so in real life. After seeing this film you will notice your own naivety. The ending is perfect, I could not see it ending any other way. Whether we like it or not this movie shows what happens in reality. I could go on for decades about the style director Drake Doremus brings to this film. The long and intense shots that seem to pass over time are beautiful. The film seems to focus on the tiny little things that change over time, physically and emotionally. We get a sense of what life is about and how important are time is with each other and to never waste it. We need to be patient and never do anything we will later regret. This film is a romance for the decade. I do not know if with time this film will later be more recognized but I know I will always remember it. This film really hit me. I feel like I really took something from it, something amazing and beautiful. It has impacted me and I will never forget it. Not only does this film inspire a unique way of storytelling for young directors but, it hits hard on those who are normal people living life and falling in love and to make every second count. Much of the dialogue in this film was improved which explains how real and delicate the conversations are. It is this kind of genuineness in movies that make them so great and impacting. This movie will make you laugh, make you smile, and it will make you cry.

5 out of 5 Stars

Martha Marcy May Marlene

This movie is weird, to say the least. It is about a girl, Martha, who shows up out of nowhere in the need of help and her sister takes her in after being completely out of contact with her for years. We do not know exactly where Martha has been but we soon find out by way of flashback that she was apart of some cult, similar to that of The Manson Family. Martha has increasing paranoia and mixes up her memories with real life. She has trouble adjusting and her sister and husband also have trouble handling her without having any clue about what she has been through. The movie is stressful and hard to watch and a little unhopeful but it is superbly acted. Elizabeth Olsen, yes she is the younger sister of the Olsen twins, gives an incredible and haunting performance. It is next to impossible to take your eyes off her. She is a far superior actress then her other two siblings with this movie alone as her evidence. It is crazy to think that this kind of talent has been hiding for this long. John Hawkes, who you will recognize from last years "Winters Bone," also gives an incredible as the leader of the abusive cult. The is the debut for director Sean Durkin, and I look forward to seeing what is next for him. The film does seem to lack a little bit of closure. To me, this is not the kind of movie you can leave open ended without any kind of solution. It felt a little slow and unfocused at times but all that is overcome by the amazing performances. I forgot to mention Sarah Paulson who probably gives the best performance of her career as the struggling sister. If you want to check out and see a major snub in this years Academy Award nominations, there is not a better example then Elizabeth Olsen in her harrowingly, powerful portrayal.

4.5 out of 5 Stars

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

What most critics found to be a gripping, well acted, and well written thriller about discovering a mole in the MI6 agency I found to be slow, groggy, and boring. I guess I have to say it is well acted and even written. The director Tomas Alfredson is talented, as made evident in "Let The Right One In." It just did not do it for me. I have never been a fan of these slower spy movies like, "Duplicity" and "The Good Shepherd." I find myself losing interest in what is going on and I then that is it for me. I tried to stay focus on it and it is not like I was tired when watching or anything like that. The movie just seemed dreary to me. I did not care who the bad guy was. It has a cool set up, with a nice back drop taking place during The Cold War, and the ending was done well. I just did not care about the mystery. The film did not seem to have that oomph it should have. Gary Oldman has been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor. I did not think his performance demanded much from him, but that is okay because he should have been nominated for his work long ago. For me this film was an overall let down and disappointment.

2 out of 5 Stars

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Better Life

Chris Weitz; who directed "About A Boy," "The Golden Compass," and "New Moon;" after a long hiatus finally comes out with a film that is in the Oscar race. Although it is next to impossible for it to win it is still an honor to have Demian Bichir nominated for Best Actor. Yes, he gives a good performance; but is he more worthy than Michael Fassbender, Michael Shannon, and Woody Harrelson? Is it becoming a thing for Oscar to surprisingly nominate a Spanish actor every year? I do not know the answers to all these questions, but do know this movie was decent, not great. Nothing really seemed to strong about this typical father and son story that was clearly a political statement about illegal immigration. I liked the movie but it never really hit home. The acting is pretty good but nothing seems great and the story never really goes down intense routes that it could have. Jose Julian gives a good performance in the role of the son however, he sometimes comes across like he is forcing it. All in all this movie is better then most but it is not one you would look forward to seeing during the Awards Season. Check out Chris Weitz's earlier film "About A Boy." It truly is a remarkable film.

3 out of 5 Stars

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Young Adult

Jason Reitman and Diablo Cody team up once again to make the awkwardly funny and honest, "Young Adult." The movie is good. Charlize Theron is fantastic, as she always is, however she gets a little annoying. Her character is hard to handle with other people and it shone through and made it a little hard for me as the audience to handle. As the audience we need to love her and hate her at the same time, I think she annoyed me more then anything. The movie is all about her, that is Mavis, going back to her home town to try and reclaim her married with child ex-boyfriend from High School, the only place she ever really succeeded. She end up with an awkward friendship with the guy she often used to call a "theater fag." The movie is funny but at times a little depressing. This whole thing is about a woman's failed life and her desperate and awful attempt to get back what once was and never will be again. I liked it but I cannot say that I loved it. It does not hit you as hard as Reitman's other films especially "Juno," which is fantastic. I think what the movie was trying to do is make you see the Mavis that is inside everyone, the problem is that it is a little hard to see that because Mavis is such an extreme and unlikable character. I did relate, just not as much as I thought I should. I related more to Patton Oswalt's character than anyone else. He does an incredible job. The script is good but not as quirky as Cody's others so it could be a little disappointing. I really did like the film I just do not think it holds up as well compared to Reitman's others and the other fantastic films that have come out this year.

4 out of 5 Stars

Attack The Block

I don't think I have ever enjoyed a movie so much this entire year, until "Attack The Block." The fresh and young cast of actors are perfect in each of their roles and it is a just an intense and good time. The main story is about a group of young teenagers who are the hoods of their block in South London. They are surprised one night when something crazy falls out of the sky and they realize it is an alien. The movie end up being a combination of "Crash" and "Shaun of The Dead," meets aliens. It is completely hilarious and I mention "Crash" only because of all these different characters meeting and intertwining at the end. The whole film takes place in one night, it is short and it never lets up. The special effects and filming of the movie is well done, and the comedy is some of the best of the year. I was captured by the movie the entire time. The actors are just great un their roles with perfect comedic timing and emotional intensity. Not only did I laugh but I was legitimately moved. The film is just so much fun. I cannot wait to see more movies from the director Joe Cornish and actress Jodie Whittaker. I imagine both of their careers will take off following this movie. The script is witty and exciting and there is next to nothing to complain about the movie at all, unless that is you do not like down right hilarious movies about teenagers coming together, fighting aliens, and just flat out kicking ass. This movie was awesome, one of the best of the year. Top 10 List coming soon.

5 out of 5 Stars

Another Earth

This film was entered into Sundance a year ago and received some support there, I read about it on Roger Ebert's blog as he listed it as his number 20, best of the year. I loved the ideas this film gave. It really made you think..what if? If there was another you out there, what would you do? What would you think? This film is disguised as a sci-fi flick but it really is a character study. It focuses on two people who are both very lost and very sorry, if not for what they did for how things went. This raises the question of what you would do if you had another chance. The cinematography is beautiful, the acting completely honest and true, and the style Mike Cahill brings to this film is brilliant. Many people will read about this movie and compare it to "Melancholia" but it is totally different. It raises different questions, it focuses on alternative things, and it is ultimately a whole lot better. I loved this movie and I think a lot of people should check it out. I find it hard to believe anyone could watch this without seeing themselves and thinking of their regrets and be moved. This movie is beautiful, the music is great, and the ending is awesome.

5 out of 5 Stars

Monday, January 30, 2012

A Separation

A foreign film that brings you into the lives of its people, a people was as Americans are not very fond of. We see this film and realize these are actual people, they are as intricate and important as us, and they have problems just as big. The story is about an arguing couple with a young daughter whom they both love deeply and an issue when the father allegedly shoves a worker. The movie may be about people so far away and so culturally different from us however, we find them to be extremely relatable and similar. We can be so much like them, and them like us. The camera takes a fly on the wall view of these arguments and incidents. At times, we feel like the daughter watching are parents fight. The movie shows how awful divorce can turn out to be and how marriages and really everything can fall apart from misunderstanding and the lack of communication. This film is probably the realest movie to come out this year. It is simple, it is about a family and their struggles and takes us through it. You do not feel like you are watching a movie rather experiencing tragedy or at least witnessing it. This movie will almost definitely win the award for Best Foreign Language Film. If this did not win it would be an abomination and huge mistake. It is already a shame it is not nominated for the big prize over some of these other films. This movie all around is more deserving. The intensity of this film is throughout and never lets up. It is PG-13 but feels like an R rated film. There is nothing bad in it to make it R but the subject tackled and the realness of it is rare to a film with a PG-13 rating. This makes it even better, so more people can experience this masterpiece.

5 out of 5 Stars


A great, inspiring, and lovely movie from this year. This film is so superbly acted, crafted, and directed. The style of shots and angles and the focuses the director makes on all of the little intricacies is beautiful. It is inspiring to me to see such a unique and warm style. Christopher Plummer is almost certain to win the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor however, the standouts to me are Ewan McGregor and Melanie Laurent. Their relationship in the film is so special and so interesting that you literally cannot take your eyes off of the two of them. I wish I had something even close to what they have in this film. The flashbacks back and forth to Christopher Plummer are done well and he does do fantastic. The story has a sort of symmetry and at the same time it does not. It never really ends it keeps going so, think of symmetry with the line going out and extending on and never ending. Think many circles, one inside the other continuously.  That is a better way to look at it. It has a cool style to it and really tugs at the heart. It feels sort of like when you are watching "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"" or another unique romance like that unfold on screen. The character of Anna is so beautiful yet, so mysterious. She is almost like life. Watch this film, it is one of the best of the year. It is funny, awkward, real, sad, and ultimately you leave it feeling good.

5 out of 5 Stars

We Need To Talk About Kevin

This may be a fantastic film however, it is probably the hardest one to watch of the entire year. The story of a child tormenting her well meaning mother constantly from birth to young adulthood is painful to watch. Critic Leonard Maltin, whom I respect, described it as torture. Everyone agrees that Tilda Swinton gives one of the bravest and powerful performances of the year.  She really is one of the most fantastic actresses of our time and she seems to often go unnoticed. That may be because she is so great. The film is well made and well put together and powerful but at times you may feel like Maltin, like nails being scraped across a chalk board. All of the acting is fantastic and the movie is super intense. I loved it and think the final scene has one of the greatest movie moments of the year. It is a shame Swinton was not nominated for the Oscar. She is much more deserving than of Rooney Mara's repeat performance in "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo," it is unfortunate but sometimes that is just how it works. Do not read up on this film, not even on imdb. Many synopsis's give away crucial plot points without warning which I feel would be better left unknown until the end of the film. The best disturbing movie of the year.

5 out of 5 Stars

The Artist

Before I start, I need to apologize. I, unfortunately, have not written in awhile. I have also looked back on some past writing and lets be honest, it sucks. I have so many ideas I just want to throw out there and I do not organize or structure any of my thought into sentences and I am sorry. However, I do hope you enjoy my insights and opinions. Now, the reason I have not been blogging is because since my last review all I have been doing is actually watching. I just never stopped to write. Most of the films I have been viewing have been in preparation for the Oscars, which are coming soon and I am excited. I will now put out a string of reviews for films from this year starting with this one. This is almost the sure winner for "Best Picture." Its only competitor is "The Descendants," which was great. This is better. "The Artist" is a silent film and in this movie it is golden. It throws you back into old times, literally you feel like you are a patron in one of those old silent theaters. I absolutely loved this. I do not think I have ever smiled at a movie more. it is just sheer pleasure and enjoyment that you get from this film. It made me feel...happy. I hesitate to put this film as my number one favorite film of the year, only because "Drive" is so awesome, spectacular, and fantastic. This captured my heart and made it melt. It contains one of the best musical scores of the year, two great new stars, and a little dog. The dog should have gotten a nomination for "Best Supporting Actor." Everything about this film is great, the acting, directing, dancing, cinematography, story, and no talking. I never thought I could be captured so much by a non speaking film, but I was. This film will surely win the top prize at the coveted Academy Awards and it does not bother me at all. A contender for my "Top 100 Films of All Time."

5 out of 5 Stars

Friday, January 13, 2012


The most hilarious film of the year has been raved by critics and audiences alike. This story is about a woman who is selected as maid of honor for her best friends wedding, just as her life seems to be falling apart, and she is overwhelmed by the stress. This film is incredibly funny and at the same time prominently real. In comedy everyone is extremely honest and straightforward, and everything is way overdone. This is done with perfection because the emotions and circumstances may be crazy and impossible but the feelings are real. I never stopped laughing. Kristen Wiig proves herself as a hilarious and relatable actress, and also a fantastic comic write. All of the women will undoubtedly make you laugh but the laughs from Melissa McCarthy are sidesplitting. It is a raunchy comedy flick that both men and women will enjoy equally. It has the chick flick quality and that raunchy guy humor that movies like, "Crazy, Stupid, Love." and "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" also possessed. The film whilst being perfectly raunchy and crude still has a great moral, you could almost say Christian, message that young girls should see. It sets a good example that women should not waste their time with crappy, useless guys who do not care about them and are only interested in sexual gains. I loved this movie, you will laugh till you cry.

5 out of 5 Stars

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Great Expectations

This movie gripped me from the very opening moments and would not let me go. This modern retelling of the classic Charles Dickens tale proves itself to be a timeless masterpiece. While watching the movie I almost thought to myself that I should not like this that much. There is not anything that wonderful about this movie. I was completely sucked into the storytelling and the performances of these fantastic actors. Gwyneth Paltrow is sexier then ever, De Niro is awesome, Ethan Hawke is so innocent and perfectly cast, Anne Bancroft is crazy, Garry Cooper is funny, and the two young children are riveting. Alfonso Cuaron knows how to make a sexy movie. Everybody who has seen "Y Tu Mama Tambien" knows this. He has a very unique and peculiar style that stays with you and resonates after every scene. He is a great storyteller and he keeps you constantly interested in what is going on with Finn. I rarely get this into a movie. It was almost like a dream, a beautifully colored awesome dream and I was living vicariously through Ethan Hawke's character. The artistry of the film is so gorgeous I cannot even put it into words, you just have to experience it for yourself. The movie slows down and loses some momentum before the end but if you are as involved as I was with this film it does not matter. It does unfortunately start stronger then it finishes. I still loved this movie. In general it is a pretty light flick but at the same time holds so much weight. It is the kind of thing you are simply just supposed to enjoy, like life. The film truly is miraculously beautiful. I commend Cuaron for his direction and I love Dickens for just coming up with this fantastic story about endless and hopeless, out of control love. I do not want to ruin it but the fountain kiss ranks up there in the best kisses in all of cinema, if not the best. Watch this movie, I am sure almost anyone will enjoy it even those who are not real film buffs. It is such a simplistic tale done with near perfection. Fans of the classic novel and David Lean's acclaimed film should enjoy a modern retake which focuses on almost a completely different subject. This adaptation is good because Cuaron sticks to the source material in small details but deviates away from it at times with major plot points. Prepare to have this film take your breath away.

5 out of 5 Stars


An interesting and very weird film from director, Lars Von Trier. Who has now earned himself a reputation for weirdly, depressing, and dark films after "Dogville" and "Antichrist" among others. This film is a character study of Kristen Dunst's character who has just gotten married and the film starts at the beginning of the reception. She is extremely depressed and dissatisfied and we are never really given an explanation why. We might infer that it is because she sees lack in point to the whole thing because she knows the world is about to end in a few days because a huge planet known as Melancholia is approaching earth and will soon clash with it. This is not really explained however until after the wedding and it never explains her actions during the reception; which involve her leaving the party to take a bath and strolling around outside and having sex with a guy she does not even know shortly after refusing her new husband's advances. I guess the movie isn't really about what she does but is more about how she feels and the emotion that is there. The second half of the movie is better and makes more sense to me, whereas the wedding felt kind of fake and I was just sitting there saying; "Who does this under any circumstances!" The acting however; is good and to the point with Charlotte Gainsbourg being the standout in my opinion, not Kristen Dunst. The movie is definitely weird and I thought there was no point during the beginning but towards the end I started to understand and I definitely need to re-watch it and possibly re-review it. It has weird underlying themes throughout that are interesting but to me they are not explained very well. It is about the world ending and two different sister's reactions to it. A depressed one who is calm and a normal one who is anxious. I liked it but did not love like I thought I would but opinions will vary because some people think this is Von Trier's masterpiece. "Dogville" is still the best for me so far. "Melancholia" is still a great character study and one of the most unique films of the year.

3 out of 5 Stars

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I purchased this movie with a pack of three other Ron Howard films. I got a pretty good deal on it and was impressed with the set and I love the other three movies "A Beautiful Mind," "Apollo 13," and "Cinderella Man." This movie was good but my least favorite of the four. I could see how it was trying to be emotional and add some intensity to the firefighting scenes but it all seemed formative and kind of fundamental. I never really got sucked into any of the characters lives, stories, or trouble. I mostly just observed and enjoyed some pretty decent acting with no true standouts. This is probably the best firemen movie I have ever seen but, that is not really saying much since I can only think of this and the Christian film "Fireproof" which I must admit got to me more emotionally than this movie. If you are a Ron Howard fan I am sure you will enjoy it but this firemen mystery did not hit me the way it should.

2.5 out of 5 Stars

Dances With Wolves (4 Hour Extended Cut)

I enjoyed this film but did not think it to be a spectacular innovation of cinematic achievement like some people claim it to be. I had not seen it in ages and could barely remember it and I needed to see it for the sake of my Top 100 Movie List because the film has been so renown. I probably should have watched the regular cut because I now think that I would have enjoyed it more but the fact of it not making my list would be the same no matter what. I thought that Costner's direction was good but found his narration rather dreary. The movie moves kind of slowly and I did not get to emotional about any of the characters however, the cinematography is absolutely beautiful with the filming of the amazing landscape and the acting is pretty good. I liked the movie but for me it does not really hit all the way home. It is an incredible story and that is what makes it so watchable and connects with multitudes of people.

3.5 out of 5 Stars

After Hours

An interesting film from the great director Martin Scorsese that is not very remembered or noticed. The style Scorsese uses in this movie is cool and different then what he normally does. By the way the movie is shot and the situations you are put in as an audience, you literally feel the anxiety. I got anxious during the entire film which is rather short, especially for Scorsese, but it feels long due to the tremendous amount of emotional stress you endure through. The plot sounds simple; a man has the worst night of his life in the underbelly of New York City, this is a lot crazier then you could ever imagine. I enjoyed the movie but it is not great. If you are a Scorsese fanatic you will enjoy seeing his use of style to create tension. Unfortunately, there is real no underlying theme or message behind it accept that the world is crazy but  cannot complain. The fact that a director can follow up "Raging Bull" and "The King of Comedy" with a decent film is a spectacular achievement and Scorsese continues to make epic and fantastic movies. He is one of the greatest directors of our time, if not the greatest.

3 out of 5 Stars

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Margin Call

An intense and emotional drama, thriller packed with an all star cast in a tightly written script about the financial collapse in 2008. The whole film takes place in a 24 hour time block with the big shots at an investment bank trying to control the crisis. The movie starts and your eyes are immediately glued to the screen. All of the actors are fantastic and newcomer Zachary Quinto, who you will recognize only as Spock from 2009's "Star Trek," is a standout. He would steal the show if it were not for Kevin Spacey, Stanley Tucci, Jeremy Irons, and Demi Moore. There is no stealing the show here. Once you get past recognizing all the familiar faces, you are sucked into the story that changed the economy we are in today. This is the best wall street film I have ever seen. It is so packed with the intensity of the crisis and the film helped me understand it more than I ever did before. Along with this the film has emotion and you care for these characters and identify with them. You like some and you hate some but you love them all. 2011 was a great year and this is another film competing in my soon to be released Top 10 of 2011 list. Prepare to see this film on it. It is a must for everyone, especially business men and women and the young people who will soon enter into this world of dirty business and corruption. Watch this movie and think about who you need to elect as our leaders to get us out of our awful financial debt and fix this economy.

5 out of 5 Stars

The Descendants

Hands down, one of the best movies of the year. It is genuinely moving and at the same time absolutely hilarious. I was so touched by this film. The story surrounds this normal, average, and rich guy in an extremely incredible circumstance. You see how he deals and copes with this situation along with his two daughters and the teenagers hilarious guy friend. There is way more to the movie then this, but as it is hard to explain and better for you to see it yourself I will not indulge myself. You must go see this movie, it is impossible to see this and not be moved. I laughed frequently out loud and throughout and came to the point where I almost cried. The performances are incredible and George Clooney is very likely to receive recognition at The Academy Awards. Alexander Payne makes a movie that has the same style as "Sideways" which is also a comedy dealing with rather depressing themes. This film is funnier, not as sad, and frankly better. Don't get me wrong "Sideways" is a fantastic film, but this really hit it home for me. Its a film about family, about looking out for each other, about how short life is and how we need to enjoy what it offers. I really loved this film. Despite its language, there is no other explicit content and I believe it is a movie that families should all go to together, if the kids are in their later teens. All of the acting is fantastic and Alexander Payne works perfectly at the helms of director and does exactly what he wants to do. Shailene Woodley is a huge standout for her incredible and fresh performance and is also likely to see some attention this awards season. She is a fresh face and a stunningly beautiful one at that. Robert Forster also makes a come back and does well for himself. This is a fantastic picture that is sure to touch your entire families hearts. I cannot wait to see what Alexander Payne will come out with in the future.

5 out of 5 Stars

Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows

Guy Ritchie's convoluted, insanely confusing, slow moving and slow motioned, and at times stupid sequel was entirely unnecessary. It did make some nice money however, so you may expect a third. I enjoyed the first Sherlock film as pure escapism but this movie lost me. It was hard to follow and then I stopped caring about keeping up with it. You have three great actors being wasted away on this vamped up version of a great literary character. I honestly have no idea what was going on in the movie after the first 45 minutes or so. There are some funny one liners and Robert Downey Jr., and Jude Law have pretty good chemistry; the material just is not there. Ritchie who is famous for these quickly moving films with a sort of zany style to it does not work here. He overuses the slow motion effect which we have already seen in the first film and he moves so fast that you cannot figure out what is going on. A waste of money but, even more importantly, a waste of your time.

1 out of 5 Stars

Friday, January 6, 2012

Jacob's Ladder

Yes, Adrian Lyne again. I have now almost succeeded in seeing all of his films. This one is a psychological thriller starring Tim Robbins, who you will recognize from "The Shawshank Redemption." It is about a Vietnam war vet living with his girlfriend in New York. He has suffered from some severe trauma in his life and starts to see what he believes are demons walking around following him. The movie has many twists and turns and keeps you interested and actually gave me anxiety. The movie made me feel almost stressed out. For some reason it didn't really hit me. I understood the ending and how it was supposed to make me feel but I did not feel it. I ended the movie just thinking that it was okay and almost that a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Lyne's talent for filmmaking is displayed here but it is more like you see his potential rather then seeing him do anything really great.

3 out of 5 Stars

9 1/2 Weeks

Yet another sexed up Adrian Lyne film, this time featuring Mickey Rourke and Kim Bassinger who have a impersonal affair which leads to some complications. The movie is famous and has earned its place in pop culture for its racy scenes for its day. Compared to movies today it really is not that bad or very hot and the movie also lack plot and point. I thought it was average and the performances are okay but to me it seemed that there really was not that much to perform. Nothing really happened. Adrian Lyne is a good filmmaker but he has trouble staying focused and has yet to show what he really can do. "Unfaithful" is by far his best movie and if he can stay closer to that his true skill would really show. If you want to see why this movie got attention, go ahead and check it out but to me, this was sort of a waste of time.

2 out of 5 Stars

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ordinary People

This was Robert Redford's directorial debut and the Best Picture winner for 1980. Despite it's to the point script and a few awkward moments this is a smart truly moving film. It is almost impossible to watch this family and not see some of the same struggles in your own but to a lesser degree and in different ways. This is a movie about bad things happening to ordinary people and the consequences that come out of these bad things. I shed a few tears for the tragedy of how sometimes things don't work out even when they should or could have in a different scenario. The acting is truly terrific and the story moving. Donald Sutherland is a particular standout portraying the loving father who just wants to work things out but cannot seem to find a way. I related with him especially as I did his son who feels like everything is closing in around him and just wants his mother to show love to him. He just needs to feel loved. A touching movie that all families should see when up for the conversations that will surely come afterwards.

5 out of 5 Stars