Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Is this movie weird? Yes. Is this movie long? Yes. Is this movie an incredibly well written, superbly acted, craftily directed, ingenious story with hidden themes and symbolism that leads to a biblical ending, and leaves its audience completely breathless? Yes. I am crazy in love with “Magnolia.” Talk about a movie with an incredible ensemble cast that all put their best foot forward. Director Paul Thomas Anderson, who I was never a big fan of, shows his incredible talent for crafting a heavily impacting movie about people and their regrets. There are ten main characters whose lives intersect and have parallels with one another. It is so brutally tragic and fantastic. The last twenty minutes of the film contain probably one of the most surprising endings ever. The ending is not meant to be taken completely literally, it is meant to hold a message for people and be taken figuratively. I probably would not have been completely sold on it without reading and understanding that before viewing the film with the help from my fellow friend and critic, Dan Schultz. Tom Cruise leads this pack of great actors. He gives the best and most hilarious performance of his entire career. Everyone does great and the movie stays with you. This is the kind of film that requires repetitive viewings if you want to even get half of everything that is stated here. That first viewing for me was epic and I am excited to sit down and experience this film again. This movie may be somewhat heartbreaking but it is necessary. This movie contains some of the realest and saddest emotions ever captured on film.

5 out of 5 Stars

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